
We will close Monday, Jan. 20th for Martin Luther King Jr., Day

21 06, 2023

How Can I Recover Money From a Scammer?

2023-06-21T17:29:53-05:00June 21st, 2023|Consumer Protection, Scams|

How Can I Recover Money From a Scammer? Every year, more and more people fall prey to scams. Data from the Federal Trade Commission shows that in 2021, consumers reported losing more than $5.8 billion to fraud. That’s a 70% increase from 2020. Imposter scams are the most common scams, followed by online shopping scams. What does [...]

23 04, 2021

Using Digital Wallets Safely

2021-04-23T17:14:48-05:00April 23rd, 2021|Consumer Protection, Cyber Security|

If you’ve seen someone wave their phone at a gas pump or tap their smartwatch on the credit card terminal to buy a latte, you’ve seen a mobile wallet in action. You may have even used PayPal to buy something online or Zelle to send money to a friend without realizing you were using a [...]

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