
We will close Monday, Jan. 20th for Martin Luther King Jr., Day

13 12, 2022

Four ways debt sneaks up on you

2022-12-13T09:52:01-06:00December 13th, 2022|Budgeting, Financial|

Four ways debt sneaks up on you—and what to do about it Unless you track your overall spending with every little purchase, debt can ambush you. Fortunately, you can prevent it from piling up; you just need to be aware of the ways in which you spend money. Here are four common causes of debt [...]

21 11, 2021

Webinar Recap: Rebuilding After A Financial Crisis

2021-11-21T21:50:03-06:00November 21st, 2021|Education, Financial|

Webinar Recap: Rebuilding After A Financial Crisis Our November financial education webinar focused on the steps you can take to rebuild after a financial crisis. Here are the highlights: BUDGET - Analyze the money coming in and develop a reasonable and goal-oriented plan for what goes out. **TIP: Use a money tracker, like Money Manager inside online [...]

28 04, 2021

5 key financial basics for teens

2021-04-28T21:13:22-05:00April 28th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial, Kids Corner|

5 key financial basics for teens One of the most powerful things for your teen to be able to do is to track where their money goes, and that starts with budgeting. Before your teen leaves home, they should know how to  create a budget how to track spending, and  how to save for the [...]

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