
We will close Monday, Jan. 20th for Martin Luther King Jr., Day

16 09, 2021

100 Days until Christmas? Now What?!

2021-09-16T15:58:40-05:00September 16th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial|

100 Days until Christmas? Now What?! As of today, you have 100 Days Until Christmas, so let's talk about the "B Word":  you need to have a budget for Christmas and it is time to create one. Sit down and take a good hard look at your finances to see if you can get through [...]

4 08, 2021

7 Ways to Ease Back-to-School Costs

2021-08-04T07:31:53-05:00August 4th, 2021|Financial|

Back-to-school season comes around the same time every year, but like the holidays, it has a tendency to sneak up on us — and our bank accounts. Last year, the National Retail Federation estimated that parents would spend a record average of $789.49 doing back-to-school shopping for children in elementary, middle, or high school and [...]

10 05, 2021

Rebuilding After a Financial Crisis

2021-05-10T12:03:37-05:00May 10th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial, Improving Credit|

Rebuilding After a Financial Crisis There are many things in life that can derail even the best money management plans. When a crisis happens, most people take things day by day just hoping to get by. When the dust settles, they’re often left with a financial situation that is less than rosy. There are no [...]

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