16 01, 2024

5 Money Resolutions for Kids!

2024-01-16T16:19:45-06:00January 16th, 2024|Kids Corner|

Five resolutions to help kids start the new year with financial awareness Help your kids kick off the new year with financial resolutions! With one year ending and another beginning, why not help kids start the new year with some financial resolutions? Each of the five planner areas – saving, earning, spending, donating, and learning [...]

2 08, 2023

Webinar: Safeguarding Kids’ Identity and Online Privacy

2023-07-27T17:22:39-05:00August 2nd, 2023|Consumer Protection, Cyber Security, Financial, Kids Corner|

Webinar: Safeguarding Kids' Identity and Online Privacy Today’s youth generation is tech-savvy and connected online. However, parents still play an important role in helping them avoid online hazards such as identity theft, privacy, and cyber-bullying. This workshop covers important issues including online privacy tips, managing computer settings, smartphone apps, and positive online behavior. Session 1: [...]

28 03, 2023

Webinar: Raising a Money-Smart Kid

2023-03-28T10:16:55-05:00March 28th, 2023|Education, Kids Corner|

Webinar: RAISING A MONEY-SMART KID Earning money, spending and saving are important lessons children learn very early on in life. This session will help guide parents on effective ways to educate children about financial responsibility that can last a lifetime. Session 1: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Time: 12:30 p.m. CST Sign Up Session 2: Thursday, [...]

21 06, 2022

Upcoming Financial Education Webinars – 2022

2022-06-21T14:47:28-05:00June 21st, 2022|Budgeting, Education, Financial, Kids Corner|

We’re very excited to announce our free webinars for the second half of the year! Whether you’re an employee, member, family, or friend, our webinars are packed with useful info and are open to everyone. Just make sure to reserve your virtual seat. Select Sign Up at the links below to register. When prompted please enter [...]

26 10, 2021

How to Teach Your Kids About Money and Credit

2021-10-26T11:35:12-05:00October 26th, 2021|Budgeting, Education, Financial, Kids Corner|

How to Teach Your Kids About Money and Credit In this article: When Should Kids Start Building Credit? How to Help Your Child Build Good Credit Habits How to Teach Your Kids to Be Smart With Money  Getting Your Kids Started With Credit Cards  Can a Child Have a Credit Report and Score? How to [...]

2 08, 2021

Back-to-School Supplies Community Resources

2021-08-02T16:29:45-05:00August 2nd, 2021|Kids Corner|

Local Events providing back-to-school supplies: Sand Springs Community Service’s Backpack Supply Giveaway Where: Sand Springs Community Services Gym (114 W. 4th, Sand Springs) or call (918) 245-5183 When: August 9th, 10th, 11th What: Pick up a backpack of school supplies & a $25 Wal-Mart clothing voucher Who Qualifies: Any student preK-12th who qualifies for Free [...]

2 08, 2021

Build your child’s money skills while you read

2021-08-02T15:15:54-05:00August 2nd, 2021|Kids Corner|

Build your child’s money skills while you read Amazing reading resource from the CFPB It's important to you to get the most out of reading time with your child. Money as You Grow Bookshelf lets you build on the time you may already be spending on reading together, and helps you bring money topics to [...]

28 07, 2021

5 Tips for Keeping Your Children Safe Online

2021-07-28T10:41:57-05:00July 28th, 2021|Cyber Security, Kids Corner|

5 Tips For Keeping Your Children Safe Online The Internet is an incredible tool to expand knowledge and information exchange for adults and children alike. but there are pitfalls This short paper will provide you with tips to help your children safely use the internet, benefitting from the positives and helping to avoid the negatives. [...]

14 07, 2021

Children & credit reports: why parents should start checking

2021-07-14T14:37:45-05:00July 14th, 2021|Consumer Protection, Identity Theft, Kids Corner|

Children and credit reports: why parents should start checking Turning 16 years old marks many milestones for a child: learning to drive, preparing for college, and yes, his or her first credit check. While it may seem counterintuitive (after all, most teens don’t have a credit history), the reality is that identity theft can happen [...]

28 06, 2021

WEBINAR: Safeguarding Kids’ Identity

2021-06-28T10:02:16-05:00June 28th, 2021|Financial, Kids Corner|

SAFEGUARDING KIDS’ IDENTITY Free Financial Education Webinar  Today’s youth generation is tech-savvy and connected online. However, parents still play an important role in helping them avoid online hazards such as identity theft, privacy, and cyber-bullying. This workshop covers important issues including online privacy tips, managing computer settings, smartphone apps, and positive online behavior. Session 1: [...]

18 05, 2021

Child Tax Credit Calculator Shows How Much You’ll Get in Monthly Payments from IRS

2021-05-18T12:52:58-05:00May 18th, 2021|Calculator, COVID-19, Kids Corner|

Child Tax Credit Calculator Shows How Much You'll Get in Monthly Payments from IRS Yesterday was tax day, so hopefully, you managed to get your taxes in on time so that the IRS knows how many dependents you have, what your income was last year, or if you missed a stimulus payment so you can take [...]

4 05, 2021

Summer Webinars

2021-05-04T11:01:23-05:00May 4th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial, Green Country News, Kids Corner|

Free Online Educational Webinars All webinars are free and open to everyone - even if you're not currently a Green Country FCU member! Register for the webinar of your preferred time (there’s two each month) but don’t worry if you can’t be there right at 12:30 or 7:30. As long as you’ve registered in advance, [...]

28 04, 2021

5 key financial basics for teens

2021-04-28T21:13:22-05:00April 28th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial, Kids Corner|

5 key financial basics for teens One of the most powerful things for your teen to be able to do is to track where their money goes, and that starts with budgeting. Before your teen leaves home, they should know how to  create a budget how to track spending, and  how to save for the [...]

19 04, 2021

3 Ways to Teach Kids Good Money Habits

2021-04-19T07:15:59-05:00April 19th, 2021|Kids Corner|

3 Ways to Teach Kids Good Money Habits Spend, Save and Share Jars Many parents teach their kids the value of hard work by paying them for chores. You can take this a step further by talking about what they can do with their hard-earned cash. Get three jars and add the label spend, save [...]

8 04, 2021

Money Missteps – A Great Thing to Happen to a Kid?

2021-04-08T10:55:37-05:00April 8th, 2021|Budgeting, Kids Corner|

Money Missteps - A Great Thing to Happen to a Kid? You Spent Your Money on What?! Any parent with a child old enough to have control over money has probably at least thought that, if not shouted it across a dinner table. While the outrage at a teenager spending an entire pile of birthday [...]

30 03, 2021

Webinar: Building Your First Budget

2021-03-30T15:01:24-05:00March 30th, 2021|Budgeting, Financial, Green Country News, Kids Corner|

If you missed it last week, don't worry, you can still register for the 2nd broadcast of this highly informational teaching tool. Session 2: Thursday, April 22, 2021 Time: 5:30 p.m. PT / 8:30 p.m. ET Sign Up If you can't view it live at 7:30 p.m. (CST) you will still have access to the [...]

25 03, 2021

Spring Webinars

2021-03-25T14:27:36-05:00March 25th, 2021|Budgeting, Kids Corner|

Spring Webinars Upcoming Online Educational Webinars: APRIL – BUILDING YOUR FIRST BUDGET A smart budget helps you cover your expenses and still buy some of the things you want. Find out how to make—and maintain—a budget based on your needs. This session is specifically geared toward teens and pre-teens as part of Youth Financial Literacy [...]

26 06, 2020

Teaching Kids And Teens Smart Money Habits

2020-06-26T09:40:55-05:00June 26th, 2020|Budgeting, Financial, Kids Corner|

Think back to how you formed your financial habits. Did you learn everything you needed in school? From your parents? If you could go back and talk to your younger self, what financial pitfalls would you tell yourself to avoid? If you have children of your own, you may be wondering how and when to [...]

10 12, 2019

Charting a Course for Raising Money Smart Kids

2019-12-10T10:51:20-06:00December 10th, 2019|Kids Corner|

One of the most important gifts you can give your children is an understanding of how to manage money. We all want our kids to be financially savvy adults one day, but it’s become increasingly difficult in today’s swag culture. Here are some things you can do to ensure your child grows up with a [...]

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